“People with GREAT Attitudes
Possess a
Teachable Spirit!”
~ John Maxwell
Think about that for a bit. Shouldn’t we all want to learn to better ourselves? If we want to learn then we need to be teachable, right? Have you checked your attitude lately, like really examined it?
Do you ever fall into a pit where some days nothing seems to go the way it should? Sometimes I’ll have a whole week where nothing seems to go my way. Having a good attitude is a tough reminder to hear when so much seems to be going wrong. Take hold though, in those trying times is where you’ll find the gold nuggets.
#1 STOP whatever you are doing that is adding stress at the moment.
#2 Rid yourself of any distractions, social media, phone, computer. Close your door & ask to not be disturbed.
#3 Sit in silence (I promise it’s ok to take a few minutes to yourself). It’s why you are in this situation; you’ve neglected what is important. Reflect on the situation that has changed your attitude. Is it truly as bad as you are making it out to be?
#4 Think of 3 things you are grateful for… 3, 2, 1 Go! Say them aloud. It can be as small as having HOT coffee or an exciting vacation you have planned. What are your three?
#5 After your inward reflection, how has your attitude of gratitude changed your mindset? Are you ready to learn something now? If you practice inward reflection you will grow to see the silver lining in tough situations. Like anything worth achieving, it takes practice.
Leaders learn! I believe they strive to learn new things each day. Remember to remain teachable by practicing these 4 simple steps.
Everyone has their own special gifts to offer. Show up and show up with the best possible attitude. You will thank yourself at the end of the day!
Blessings for peace, love & discernment in your life!